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National Guidelines on Working Life Has Been Published

Human Rights Action Plan of Türkiye, consisting of 9 aims, 50 goals, and 393 actions, was published on 2 March 2021 by the Ministry of Justice. Within the scope of the 9.3.b objective of the Action Plan, it was stated that taking into consideration the UNGPs, a national set of guiding principles with regard to business and work life would be prepared and awareness-raising activities would be conducted. In this context, the National Guidelines on Working Life were published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı) on 29 November 2022.

National Guidelines on Working Life sets out the following principles: 

  1. The obligation to respect human rights in labour relations is based on internationally recognized human rights.
  2. There shall be no discrimination at work. 
  3. Forced labour is prohibited. 
  4. The State and social stakeholders shall take and implement the necessary measures to eliminate child labour. 
  5. Appropriate preventive and corrective measures shall be taken to prevent discrimination and human rights violations in labour relations. 
  6. The employer is obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent discriminatory practices in the labour relationship. 
  7. The employer shall determine and implement appropriate internal policies to ensure that the right to work is used in a safe manner. 
  8. Social dialogue mechanisms should be operated in the regulations put into effect by the State on collective bargaining and freedom of association, and the employer should implement the regulations. 

9. The employer is obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent discriminatory practices in the labour relationship. 

10. Current obligations based on green growth and decent work in labour life shall be considered. 

11. The State shall form and encourage the development of the necessary guidance and grievance mechanisms for preventing discrimination and human rights violations in labour relations. 

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