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Project Overview

Preliminary National Baseline Assessment

Preliminary National Baseline Assessment, prepared as part of the B+HR project, functions as a baseline assessment to identify gaps in the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in Türkiye. 

The main headings and topics covered in the study are drawn from the guidance materials prepared by the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) and the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR). 

Building on these materials and adapted to the Turkish context, this study analyses existing measures and areas of need to protect human rights from the adverse impacts of business activities through an examination of existing laws, policies and regulations and access to remedies mechanisms in Türkiye.



Project Partner

UNDP Türkiye, Government of Japan, TURKONFED



As a starting point for the analysis, the duty of the state to protect human rights, including the role of the state to provide effective remedies for business-related human rights violations, as outlined in Pillars 1 and 3 of the UNGPs, and the responsibility of businesses to respect human rights in Pillar 2 of the UNGPs were taken as the starting point. The purpose of the study is to provide the basis for a national baseline assessment to encourage businesses and the public authorities of Türkiye to strengthen business respect for human rights and to provide impetus for the development of a National Action Plan on business and human rights.