B+HR Academy - Online HRDD Training Modules
The B+HR Academy initiative under the B+HR Project, supported by the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme, aims to deepen companies’ understanding of the human rights impacts of their activities and to help establish appropriate human rights due diligence (HRDD) processes.
B+HR Academy trainings, the content of which is prepared by Minerva team by localising content to the Turkish context and delivered by Minerva’s co-founder Dr. Çiğdem Çımrın, serve as an online training platform accessible by those who are interested regardless of whether they have taken part in the project. Structured in three main components, the training modules offer a comprehensive learning experience:
Project Partner
UNDP Türkiye, Government of Japan, TURKONFED
Exploring Human Rights Due Diligence:
A Short Insight
1. Frameworks and Regulations in Business and Human Rights
This section delves into the principles and regulations governing business and human rights. By exploring fundamental concepts, participants gain profound insights into the corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
2. Human Rights Due Diligence
Focused on HRDD, this module equips companies with essential skills to identify and prevent human rights violations within their supply chains. Participants learn to detect issues, minimise their occurrence, and devise effective responses, fostering responsible business practices.
3. Country-Specific Evaluation Practices
Tailored to the distinct nuances of various nations, this segment provides participants with specialised assessment methods. By understanding country-specific contexts, businesses can navigate the complexities of diverse global settings, enhancing their awareness of human rights issues.
Featured Publication:
Turkish Translation of Human Rights Due Diligence Training Facilitation Guide
The Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Training Facilitation Guide, published in English by UNDP in 2021 and translated into Turkish by Minerva within the scope of the B+HR Project, offers training modules focusing on internationally recognized principles and terminology to explain the requirements of the HRDD process. In this respect, the HRDD Training Facilitation Guide provides guidance on a wide range of aspects such as addressing human rights risks, responsible business conduct, human rights compliance, stakeholder communication and HRDD, with training modules that enable businesses to understand and manage the human rights impacts of their operations.